
Thursday, November 10, 2011

No resource for testing everything !!!

No resource for testing everything !!!

Most issue that QA or tester faces is that the limitation of resource (time and manpower) for software testing. With this constraint, we need to decide what is the proper software testing scope and find the way to execute testing a software faster.

use black box testing when effort is limited

Prioritize software testing scope

The first thing that we need to do is to prioritize the software testing scope. We can use the software feature's  importance and likelihood / impact of failure to prioritize. Then, make a commitment about the software testing scope with stakeholder

Reduce the test cases

After we have the list of software testing scope, we can reduce the number of test cases by designing the test cases for software testing. This can be done by the Black Box testing technique; Equivalence partitioning, Boundary value analysis and Pairwise testing (All-pairs testing).

Use the software testing tools

There are many software testing tools available for using in many activities in software testing. Using them to make the software testing activities done faster and easier. For example, CTE XL tool for generating test cases and Quick Test Pro for Test Automation.

This is the basic guideline that can help you to do software testing activities when you would like to do this tasks faster.


  1. I'm a programmer and now I have to both develop and test software. I just start writing test script myself but I don't have much knowledge about how to write good test script. Can you give me an advice? I'll wait for your next post. Thanks in advance.

  2. Hi.. You can follow the articles with tagged "Black Box testing" in the right hand side. They are about black box testing technique which can be used for test case design. Welcome again to software testing world. :)

  3. Thanks for you good articles. Now I'm working on automate test. It's challenging :)

  4. Let's have fun with it. I plan to write article for that topic as well.
